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Topic 【System】Office of Academic Affairs releases Student e-Portfolio Version 2.0 (ePo 2.0) 
post time 2017-02-20 
Content Student e-Portfolio is a system platform which integrates every University student information system by the Office of Academic Affairs. Office of Academic Affairs started to provide ePo 1.0 at September 2010. Since then the Office kept integrating related student information systems which include Student Registration Records (including contact information of students and parents), Curriculum Map, Online Classes Selection, Grade Management, Class Rank Inquiry, Classes-Taken Reviews, Graduation Check, Midterm Course Survey, Final Course Survey, etc. The Office released the new ePo 2.0 at February 2012. Since entering the University, NTU students may sign in ePo through New Student Entrance Service Web or myNTU to use every above-mentioned system by the email addresses and passwords getting from the University. The ePo will automatically record all study records completely for students during their study periods. After students graduated, the ePo will still reserve the right for them as alumni to inquire their study records and update their contact information online. In addition, ePo provides also a production backstage for students to fill in data by themselves or upload files, and combine study records in ePo even with their favorite templates to create their personal ePo webpages (may choose to open to public or in private). The results in ePo can also be exported to form an e Curriculum Vitae. From an analysis of user log of ePo, there have been 16,638 NTU students use their personal email account/password to sign in ePo by 15th of February 2012. 
unlimited duration
Attachments ePo20版.pdf  
Posted by 張良鵬